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A Brighter Future for California

In California, great ideas come to life. The state is now in the middle of two radical changes,

  1. making electricity clean and zero emissions, and
  2. transforming transportation to electric power.

These huge changes are challenging. Success requires building large amounts of new solar, wind, battery storage and other clean power sources to supply the demands today, like air conditioning and doing the laundry. And on top of these existing loads, California will add large new demand from the cars and trucks that use gasoline and diesel today but will be powered by clean electricity in the future.

Californians can lead and show others the path forward by planning smartly and building aggressively to meet the future. Although extreme weather, wildfire, and climate change are serious threats we can prepare for them with better and more robust infrastructure. And as we transition to clean energy and clean transportation, we will enjoy healthier air, greater energy independence, and more economic security.

Three Rivers Energy Development LLC (TRED) is developing clean energy transmission projects in California. We are working to build two advanced submarine electric transmission systems to connect Central California and Los Angeles. These systems will allow more clean energy to flow freely around the state to where it is needed and reduce the pollution burden on inner-city communities.




Strong transmission lines near Morro Bay and the coastal Diablo Canyon power plant give access to rapidly growing Central California renewable energy generation. TRED’s projects connect there, at the coast. We will lay high-capacity circuits on the seabed all the way to the Los Angeles area. Short cable segments on land will be installed underground to reach the substation locations in LA. Submarine and buried land cables will not trigger wildfires or require clearing a path through the mountains.
Power without Pollution

Power without Pollution

TRED’s projects bring the strength of the most robust part of Central California’s grid into LA. Today, polluting natural gas fired generation continues to run in LA because the transmission lines are fully loaded. The lines just cannot “ship” more power into the city on hot days. As we convert to electric vehicles and loads grow with more extreme weather, we will use these polluting plants even more. The additional transmission capacity from TRED’s projects will allow us to use more clean power instead and allow more batteries to charge within the city, making it possible to rely less on polluting generation and allowing communities to breathe easier.
Cost and Timing

Cost and Timing

At about $2 billion each, these transmission projects are significant infrastructure investments. But they are good value. The transmission projects save money for ratepayers by allowing lower-cost renewable energy to reach LA and avoiding the need to build costly and disruptive transmission through LA. Plus, as we build more renewable energy there will be times when there is too much to use in LA. The transmission will help move that power to other places where it can be used.
The projects could be in service by the early 2030’s, given timely regulatory approvals.